Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues.
It is possible to boot TRK in three different ways:
-as a bootable CD which you can burn yourself from a downloadable isofile
-from a USB stick/disk (optionally also a fixed disk), installable from Windows or from the bootable TRK cd
-from network over PXE, which requires some modifications on your local network.
TRK is a complete command line based distribution, apart from a few tools like qtparted, links, partition image and midnight commander
Here 's a sum up of some of the most important features, new and old:
-easily reset windows passwords
-4 different virusscan products integrated in a single uniform command line with online update capability
-full ntfs write support thanks to ntfs-3g (all other drivers included as well)
-clone NTFS filesystems over the network
-wide range of hardware support (kernel and recent kudzu hwdata)
-easy script to find all local filesystems
-self update capability to include and update all virusscanners
-full proxy server support.
-run a samba fileserver (windows like filesharing)
-run a ssh server
-recovery and undeletion of files with utilities and procedures
-recovery of lost partitions
-evacuation of dying disks
-UTF-8 international character support.
-elaborated documentation
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