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     USC wins 2007 PAC-10 championship, off to Rose Bowl
    Sports: Athletic Contests
    To face . . . Hawaii? This is my prediction. The rumors are flying that the Big 10 is pressuring for 13th ranked Illinois at 9-3 and 2nd place to be in the Rose Bowl. Arizona State is ahead at 11. I think neither will be invited. I know this does not play well on the East coast, but on the West coast Hawaii is the best school for the Rose Bowl. The West Coast and Hawaii are closely tied. I pick the undefeated Warriors in the Rose Bowl ahead of Illinois and ASU, as well as Kansas or Missouri. UPDATED

    Update following the Bowl Championship selection. So why did Missouri end up in the Cotton bowl, while Illinois ends up in the Rose Bowl? Also why did the PAC-10 allow Illinois to slip into a BCS bowl? Arizona State and Missouri got the shaft. The Big 12 still has two BCS games. Ohio State was supposed to be third in the Big ten behind Wisoconsin and Michigan. But USC was supposed to win the PAC-10, which they did. LSU was predicted to be high up in the list, which they are. Why not USC - Kansas or USC - Missouri in the Rose Bowl?

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    Posted on Sunday, December 02, 2007 @ 08:01:19 UTC by BB
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