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     Reuben on a stick is a hit at Minnesota State Fair
    Entertainment: Food
    Every year there are new "foods on a stick" at the Minnesota State Fair. This year is no exception. The big buzz of 2004 centers around the "Reuben Sandwich on a stick" presented by O'Gara's Bar And Grill in the Food Building.

    Dan O'Gara, third generation owner of O'Gara's, was interviewed at the Minnesota State Fair on the KQRS Morning show by Mike "Stretch" Gelfand. Stretch gave the Reuben on a stick a "two bite" rating.

    For Mr. Gelfand, there is no higher praise, as it reportedly surpassed the long standing "one bite" rating in any previous taste test done by him in 16 years of attending the State Fair. (Stretch then proceeded to wax poetic about the Reuben sandwich and Marijuana Brownies he provided for his mother on her deathbed.) When asked by Stretch whether it tasted like the famous Lincoln Del Reubens, Dan smiled and answered "Yes".

    Dan reports that he is selling 3,000 Reubens on a stick per day. The O'Gara's Reuben on a stick is a corned beef, sauerkraut, and Swiss cheese sausage. It is dipped in thick Pumpernickel dough that is similar to regular bread dough with molasses added for color and flavor. Thousand Island dressing is provided for dipping, although purists may abstain.

    The Minnesota State Fair is open through Labor Day, September 6th 2004.

    O'Gara's is located on the corner of Selby and Snelling Avenues in St. Paul, Minnesota. O'Gara's also brews their own beer. (It is unknown yet whether the Reuben on a stick will appear as a regular menu item at the restaurant, although a standard Reuben is available on the dinner menu.)
    Posted on Wednesday, September 01, 2004 @ 07:54:51 UTC by BB
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