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Star Wars: Star Wars DVD trilogy early review * Spoilers! *
An eBay user received his copy of the Star Wars DVD trilogy early. His eBay auction lists a few scenes that have been changed from the original trilogy.
The Group29 Review of the original Star Wars movie mentions the original videocassette release of the trilogy. These will be VERY hot collectors items in the future I predict. * WARNING SPOILERS * in the article.
Q: Are there any changes to the other movies, or is it just Jedi? What about the Emperor's hologram in ESB?
A: Episode IV
- LightSabers re-rendered for Vader versus Kenobi DeathStar duel.
- TractorBeam control now in Aurebesh.
- Han Solo versus Greedo scene slightly changed.
- Boba Fett still mugs camera.
- Jabba the Hutt re-rendered from Special Edition Jabba.
- Han Solo still steps on Hutt tail. The line "You're a wonderful human being" - remains. (The scene is an improvement over the SE - however not great.)
Episode V
- The Emperor replaced with Ian McDiarmid. Dialogue in this scene has been slightly modified, indicating either that The Emperor knows it was Luke Skywalker who destroyed the Death Star, or that he is Vader's son.
Episode VI
- Hayden Christensen has replaced Sebastian Shaw only in the final Force Ghost ending scene. (Hayden replaces Sebastian in the final ghosts shot, but not the unveiling scene.)
- Line about Leia remembering her mother while talking to Luke on the Ewok Village veranda has either been omitted, or modified.
- Naboo has been added to the final planetary celebration montage at the end of the movie. Gungans show up in the final celebration montage, as does Coruscant w/ a crowd tossing a Stormtrooper around like a crowd surfer.
Posted on Tuesday, September 07, 2004 @ 06:51:36 UTC by BB
"Star Wars DVD trilogy early review * Spoilers! *" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments |
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Greedo still shoots first (Score: 1) by BB on Tuesday, September 07, 2004 @ 12:02:28 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | Although it sounds like it is more simultaneous... |
Re: Star Wars DVD EARLY PURCHASE from Wal-mart (Score: 1) by BB on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 @ 09:17:19 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | I have a very funny story for you. My wife is a very agressive person and presses every advantage she can with me. I am not a confrontational person by nature. So this Yin/Yang has made our marriage a trial for me at times.
Nevertheless, when this energy can be redirected for good, the results are amazing. I asked her to pick up the Star Wars trilogy DVD for me whenever she got the chance. I told her that it was coming out Tuesday September 21st. For whatever reason, she thought today, Tuesday the 14th, was the day. She was in Wal-mart in Fridley, MN today for some other shopping. To further confuse the issue, a greeter at the front of Wal-mart was handing out Star Wars stickers. My wife went back to the video section and of course, no trilogies on the shelves. So she went to the front desk and asked where they were. The lady there said that she did not understand why they were not stocked, since there was a large pallet of them in the back. So the customer service lady went and got one and had it waiting for my wife at the desk when she came back. $48.99. I can imagine the heap of false indignation that my wife supplied for the customer service person and it was good for a tearful belly laugh. Hee Hee!
All I had to endure was the story of some lady running up behind my wife with a bag of children's clothes and a story about how she could not return them because she did not have an ID nor receipt. As an extra side note, she said she needed the money to fix her car. The tags were still on the clothes. Our guess was that they were stolen and that this lady wanted her to be the mule and fence them back to Walmart. Nice.... Walmart only gives store credit, not cash.
The Richfield, Minnesota Best Buy will be opening at Midnight AND PEOPLE WILL BE LINING UP to be able to get there hot little hands on this DVD set!
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