The Paul Thurrott site reports that the HTC Titan can be had for 1 cent from AT+T with a 2 year contract. Checking on the AT+T Wireless site revealed this to be true earlier today. That deal is gone. also offered this phone for one cent yesterday,
A trip to the local AT+T store reveals that they only have a display model, and no one is buying Windows phones. "They are in third place in a two position race," the salesman said. That is too bad. It is a nice big phone and I can work it one-handed. Could I give up my iTunes cover flow on the iPhone?
The salesman really did not want to sell me that phone and really did not even want to spend any time with me on it. When I bought the iPhone in 2008, I got lots of attention and demonstration.
The main reason it loses is apps. There are not many. In my three year experience, I do not use many apps or games. And the ones I use I believe are available on Windows phone: YouTube, Google, mail, calendar, address book, Facebook, Twitter. There might not be a version of Lux Touch though, That is a game I play every day.