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     Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of The Sith Food Promotions
    Entertainment: Food
    Since this movie on May 19th 2005 is going to be the biggest event this side of Return of The King and Titanic, the marketing folks are working overtime to come up with promotional tie ins.

    Several Food manufacturers are going all out to bring the yummy goodness that is the Dark Side of The Force to your kitchen table. Here are some into which I have bought...

    Kellog's Promotions

    The first one I saw was the cinnamon
    Pop Tarts with Darth Vader Voice Changer. I bought every 12 pack box available (4), but all for nothing. There was no Darth Vader music in any one. Also, the Cinnamon Pop Tarts were over-baked. They were crispy on the outside, and the insides were caramelized. I have eaten plenty of Cinnamon Pop Tarts in my day, since they are my favorite. These were a BAD BATCH. DISAPPOINTED!!!

    Kellog’s Star Wars Cereal: These are like General Mills Lucky Charms oat cereal. What the heck are those marshmallow shapes? I recognize the light saber. One marshmallow shape is yellow with blue eyes. Is it C3PO? Or is it the fake alien from the Star Trek Corbomite Maneuver? Still, they are tasty.

    There are also Fruit Snacks and Keebler fudge stripe cookies.

    Kellog’s Frosted Mini Wheats also have a free DVD offer for Episode I. Just send in 7 UPCs and shipping is free. I already stocked up and sent away for mine. Only 4 boxes left to eat. They sure are tasty with Half-and-Half (600 calories a pint!). Check out the The Comprehensive Star Wars Cereal Box Listing for more Star Wars cereal information.

    M&Ms going over to the dark side There is a very cool promotional web site on the M&M home page for the Star Wars versions of the candies. M&Ms are now available in Dark Chocolate! This would be interesting to me outside of Star Wars. I prefer Dark Chocolate and always pilfer the Special Dark Mini’s from the Hershey’s miniatures candy bowl. M&Ms have now gone over to the Dark side. Although, Jedi milk chocolate M&Ms are still available. Gotta git me some……

    For some deep reading, check out the Official ROTS Food related Promo Thread on TheForce.NET.

    See the Group29 Expectation Reviews

    Expectation Review I

    Expectation Review II
    Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 @ 14:59:51 UTC by BB
    "Episode III - Revenge of The Sith Food Promotions" | Login/Create an Account | 20 comments
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    Pop Tarts and M&Ms (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, April 29, 2005 @ 14:50:59 UTC
    (User Info )
    I found another batch of Cinnamon Pop Tarts with the Darth Vader Voice Changer promotion on them. I have two more losers. The 12 pack boxes were packed 4 and 2, so I suspect people are shaking them before they hit the retail floor. These have been baked properly. That is to say, they are a little raw and awaiting toasting.

    I found some dark chocolate M&M's, the Darth Mix, at a local convenience store. They are tasty. I like dark chocolate, especially the Hershey's special dark minis. Most people do not. Also, these are somewhat bitter (which I like). So that virtually guarantees that they will not be around for long.

    M&M Galactic Gossip 6 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, April 29, 2005 @ 15:01:59 UTC
    (User Info )
    The galactic gossip inside the package said:

    C3PO sometimes refers to Anakin Skywalker as "The Maker".

    A special machine was made just to print the "M" on M&M'S(R) Brand Chocolate Cadies. It's carefully calibrated to print without cracking the shell.

    Darth Mix M&Ms (Score: 1)
    by BB on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 @ 15:59:00 UTC
    (User Info )
    Hershey's milk and dark chocolates are not seen as "upscale". Or more to the point, the snooty among us seem to classify them in the same category as Budweiser Beer, American bacon and American Cheese as ersatz substitutes for better "European" products. Apparently Hershey bars contain less actual chocolate liquor percentagewise than other chocolate candies. I have tried a lot of American, Swiss and German chocolate. A couple of years ago, I started to prefer the Hershey's. I must be getting older. Not that I would spit out a Ghirardelli square mind you.

    My spouse likes Lindt truffles (lint balls I call them). She said that the Dark M&Ms tasted good.

    M&M Galactic Gossip 51 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 @ 19:45:08 UTC
    (User Info )
    R2-D@ is almost one meter tall

    M&Ms(R) Milk Chocolate Candies used to be larger than those today and were sold in paper tubes.

    Galactic Gossip 37 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Sunday, May 15, 2005 @ 18:43:44 UTC
    (User Info )
    Maul was the first Sith to come forward and face the Jedi in over a thousand years.

    The color Red faced the public in 1976 due to concern over a particular food coloring (although never used), as was discontinued. It was reinstated in 1987.

    Ed Note: This was the birth of an Urban legend concerning the aphrodisiac properties of the red and green M&Ms. []

    Lava Berry Pop Tarts (Score: 1)
    by BB on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 @ 13:50:49 UTC
    (User Info )
    Oh Come on! Give away the lava lightsabre battle with only a week to go until the opening!

    - Toast up this Jedi™ snack
    - Experience the LAVA BERRY EXPLOSION flavor - with Wildberry filling
    - Show Your Mastery of The Force™ — take the Jedi™ Challenge on the back of the package!
    - Limited Edition

    George Lucas revealed the need for the Darth Vader suit in an article in Rolling Stone in August 1977. He told us that Anakin and Obi Wan battle Darth Vader at a volcano where Anakin dies and Darth Vader falls in the lava. Of course now we know that Anakin and Darth Vader will both be present, but are one and the same person. How can they be hyping this with Pop Tarts? What is next? - Alien chest-burster granola bars with green slime filling? HURL!

    Galactic Gossip 49 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Monday, June 06, 2005 @ 23:03:29 UTC
    (User Info )
    R2 D2 is an astromech droid

    M&M's (R) Brand Chocolate Candies are made with cocoa beans from the Ivory Coast, Africa.

    Galactic Gossip 34 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 17:17:22 UTC
    (User Info )
    Grevious wears the light sabers of Jedi he has defeated on his belt.

    Yellow has trouble wearing belts because he has no hips.

    Galactic Gossip 72 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 17:19:42 UTC
    (User Info )
    Had he not been so independent, Qui-Gon would have been a member of the Jedi Council.

    Red is actually quite dependent on Yellow for help and support.

    Galactic Gossip ? of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 17:24:48 UTC
    (User Info )
    While an outcast, Jar Jar lived in the Naboo swampland.

    While an outstanding spokescandy, Red sometimes lives in a fantasy land where he rules the world.

    (Ed note: Couldn't quite glean the gossip number from a picture....)

    Galactic Gossip 15 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 17:30:14 UTC
    (User Info )
    C-3PO and R2-D2 were the only witnesses at Padme's wedding to Anakin.

    Green is no stranger to love. There have been rumors that Green M&M's Chocolate Candies have "special" qualities.

    Ed Note: See also above with # 37. This was the birth of an Urban legend concerning the aphrodisiac properties of the red and green M&Ms. []

    Galactic Gossip 21 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Sunday, July 17, 2005 @ 11:55:58 UTC
    (User Info )
    Luke would hang out with his friends at Tosche Station in Anchorhead.

    Orange hangs out with Red, Yellow, Blue and Green in Hackettstown, New Jersey.

    Galactic Gossip 45 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Sunday, July 17, 2005 @ 11:58:33 UTC
    (User Info )
    Clone Troopers refer to each other by their identification number.

    M&M’s Brand Spokescandies refer to each other by their colors.

    Galactic Gossip ? of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Sunday, July 17, 2005 @ 12:02:54 UTC
    (User Info )
    Chewbacca is over 200 years old.

    Yellow is 54 years old.

    (Collected from an article about the dark chocolate)

    Dark Chocolate M&Ms
    James Norton - flakmagazine

    "Dark chocolate is our ally," says the Darth Maul anthropomorphised M&M on the wrapper of the 3.14 oz. packet of New! Dark Chocolate M&M's.

    And lo, it is verily so. Dark chocolate is truly an ally of the candy coating on these new mass-marketed treats. And if you've ever wanted a chocolate treat that's willing to commit genocide on an entire planet, you're in luck.

    M&M's, like most major brand American chocolate treats, are usually abominable. They are awful, waxy, nearly inedible globs of dull brown buildup. Compare them to a European treat like Ritter Sport or Lindt. What's that you're tasting? Poop.

    The only thing that makes M&M's even vaguely edible is the tactile sensation of the incredibly thin but brittle candy shell and the soft but substantial chocolatesque filling.

    The only thing, that is... until now.

    Now, M&M's have the kickass taste of low-quality dark chocolate, which is infinitely tastier than low-quality milk chocolate.

    You wouldn't think it would make much of a difference, but it does. Dark chocolate M&Ms, in addition to being marketed as an exponent of futuristic, militaristic pure evil, taste far more subtle and delicious than their hickish cousins from the light side of the force.

    Normal M&M's lean heavily on pure sweetness to make their case; dark chocolate M&M's, by contrast, kick back and let the faint but ultimately convincing nuances of the cocoa butter do the talking.

    They also come with "Galactic Gossip" printed on the interior of their wrapper. Did you know that Chewbacca is over 200 years old, and Yellow is 54 years old?


    These things are not the food of the gods. They may, however, be the food of the gods' domestic servants.

    For $.75, still not such a bad thing.

    — James Norton (

    Galactic Gossip 57 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Sunday, July 17, 2005 @ 12:05:35 UTC
    (User Info )
    Jabba's favorite singing group was The Max Rebo Band.


    (Collected from the internet, the M&M trivia was not listed)

    Galactic Gossip 42 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Monday, July 18, 2005 @ 23:06:03 UTC
    (User Info )
    Boba Fett's ship was named Slave I

    Specially printed M&M'S (R) Milk Chocolate Candies are frequent travelers on Air Force One.

    M&M Galactic Gossip 33 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, July 29, 2005 @ 23:51:49 UTC
    (User Info )
    The Emperor hides his true identity by wearing dark robes and rarely communicating in person.

    Chocolate was hidden from the Europeans until "discovered" by Christopher Columbus. Orange wished he could stay hidden.

    Galactic Gossip 19 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Thursday, August 11, 2005 @ 13:22:25 UTC
    (User Info )
    Luke destroys Darth Vader's empty suit on a funeral pyre.

    Orange is afraid of being destroyed by someone's teeth, and so always wears sneakers to help him run away.

    Galactic Gossip 39 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 @ 02:16:24 UTC
    (User Info )
    Maul proved his devotion to the Sith by having his body intricately tattooed.

    Red's "M" imprint first appeared in 1950 and changed from black to white in 1954

    Galactic Gossip 64 of 75 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Tuesday, September 06, 2005 @ 09:35:40 UTC
    (User Info )
    Jar Jar was exiled from his home world for being clumsy. 

    The color Red was exiled in 1976 because of concern over a particular food dye. While it was never used, It wasn't reinstated to the mix until 1987.

    (Note, this is very similar to Galatic Gossip 37 of 75)

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