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     Group29 News: Group29 RSS Feeds available!
    Group29 Discussions and Site Information
    Group29 RSS Feeds are now available for your news aggregator!

    The Group29 web site now has RSS 2.0 compatible feeds for reading on either your desktop news aggregator or portal site. The URL for the RSS feed you can use is:

    There are 10 total most recent items on the feed: 2 news stories, 2 Movie Reviews, 2 Expectation Reviews, and 4 Forum Topics.

    Typically, RSS users are accustomed to seeing the RSS or XML icon. This icon typically contains the link to the RSS feed.

    Here it is:

    This is a valid feed as checked by .

    RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. RSS is widely used by the web logging community to share the latest entries' headlines or their full text news items. RSS is a family of XML file formats for web syndication used by news websites and weblogs. They are used to provide items containing short descriptions of web content together with a link to the full version of the content. This information is delivered as an XML file called RSS feed, webfeed, RSS stream, or RSS channel.

    A program known as a feed reader or aggregator can check RSS-enabled webpages on behalf of a user and display any updated articles that it finds. It is now common to find RSS feeds on major web sites, as well as many smaller ones.

    More information about RSS 2.0 is maintained at RSS at Harvard Law. They have links to aggregator programs. The My Yahoo! portal also permits users to add RSS feeds as content on their personalized pages. I had to click the add three times to get around the "We couldn't find the RSS file you asked for " message. By the way, the Yahoo! News top stories are aggregated in: .

    PHP-Nuke, the content management software under the hood at, also has the ability to show other RSS newsfeeds in blocks. For example, we show TheForce.Net as a news block. It is built from their RSS feed.
    Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 15:59:37 UTC by BB
    "Group29 RSS Feeds available!" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments
    The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.

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    RSS aggregators (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 22:14:12 UTC
    (User Info )
    There are a number of RSS news aggregators (I use ) out there that automatically suck up RSS files from content providers and present the news in a variety of ways (,,, Many make it easy to drop an RSS feed into your site. In fact, O'Reilly's new Meerkat Open News Wire service, is an example of what can be done with RSS and some clever code. Meerkat aggregates the currently available technical RSS feeds, and filters new stories by time, topic, keywords, and even regular expression. (

    Force.NET Recommended readers (Score: 1)
    by BB on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 @ 18:49:13 UTC
    (User Info )
    TheForce.NET recommends Awasu [] (which can sit in your tray), Newsgator [] (a nifty little service that runs in MS Outlook), FeedReader [] or RSS Bandit []. For the Mac, try out NetNewsWire []. Feel free to write if you have a news reader that you recommend.

    Re: Group29 RSS Feeds available! (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, February 24, 2006 @ 08:41:17 UTC
    (User Info )
    I have discovered a new desktop aggregator that I like called GreatNews. It has the features of FeedReader that I like, especially the favicon.ico in the treeview. It has some additional features like the ability to view the feeds in gazette or newspaper view. Also there are automated cleanups. News watches can highlight articles. There are also search channels from MSN, Yahoo, and FlickR.

    GreatNews home page: []

    Re: Group29 RSS Feeds available! (Score: 1)
    by BB on Monday, April 24, 2006 @ 09:29:15 UTC
    (User Info )
    As of April 2006, the Group29 Editors recommend the GreatNews desktop reader. []

    Greatnews 1.0 build 364 has newspaper and essay views of multiple articles. It also has favicons in the treeview. The 3 pane e-mail reader type view is the best way to go about reading the RSS feeds. The browser is built in with the Address line.

    The FeedReader 2.9 on the Sourceforge site was also decent for Windows users. []

    Although the 3.0 version released in April 2006 appears to have dropped the favicon feature. The favicons are quite nice in the tree view.

    The Group29 editors have tried RSS Bandit, Feedreader, Feedreader.NET, Feedit (from and some of the web site aggregators. The GreatNews currently is the best of them all.

    Group29 Productions

    All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest (c) 2006 by Group29 Productions.

    You can syndicate Group29 Productions news with an RSS Feeder using the file backend.php

    PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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