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     Fun: Matchbox Superfast 2005 Wave F and Wave G
    Matchbox Die Cast Cars
    The final sets for the Matchbox Superfast 2005 series will be shipping at the end of 2005. The Wave F will be available mid December. The Wave G will be available mid January. Unlike the 2004 Matchbox superfast series, the Wave G will only have 3 cars since there were no re-releases or shorted sets.

    Wave F
    #06 MB609 Ford Mustang GT Concept
    #13 MB672 Chevy Silverado SS
    #19 MB336 1971 Chevy Camaro Z-28
    #37 MB321 1957 Chevy Bel Air
    #40 MB302 1969 Chevy Camaro SS
    #50 MB662 City Bus (this will be instead of the Ikarus Coach scheduled for Wave E that was replaced by the Mercury Cougar)
    #66 MB666 Hummer H3
    #68 MB561 DaimlerChrysler Japan Smart Fortwo Cabrio
    #69 MB667 London Taxi
    #73 MB578 VW Beetle Taxi

    Wave G
    #70 Mercedes-Benz Sl55
    #74 Porsche Cayenne SUV
    #75 Dodge Charger

    Posted on Saturday, October 29, 2005 @ 06:33:23 UTC by BB
    "Matchbox Superfast 2005 Wave F and Wave G" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments
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    Wave F Update (Score: 1)
    by BB on Saturday, December 17, 2005 @ 19:25:11 UTC
    (User Info )
    Here is the set I received

    6 Ford Mustang GT Concept - Silver Grey
    13 Chevy Silverado SS  - Forest Green
    19 1971 Chevy Camaro Z-28  - Orange*
    37 1957 Chevy Bel Air  - Lavender with white hard top*
    40 1969 Chevy Camaro SS  - Lemon Yellow*
    60 City Bus  - White with orange/red/yellow stripes - Metro City Bus**
    66 Hummer H3  - Maroon
    68 DaimlerChrysler Japan Smart Fortwo Cabrio  - Light Green
    69 London Taxi  - Red with black top and whitewall tyres
    73 VW Beetle Taxi  - Yellow*
    71 BMW 328i Coupe - White 
    67 Ford GT - Black with Silver Stripes

    * 5SW = five spoke wheels like old superfast models
    ** This will be instead of the Ikarus Coach scheduled for Wave E that was replaced by the Mercury Cougar

    The London Taxi seems strange with a red side, I thought they were all black. The VW Taxi, even with 5SW, is not as nice as the regular issue with the dog dish wheel covers. Although as before, all the 5 Spoke wheel models get high marks from me. finally showing Superfast collection (Score: 1)
    by BB on Thursday, December 29, 2005 @ 10:18:40 UTC
    (User Info )
    The Superfast catalog is finally showing up at []!

    Now we can see both the German and North American versions.

    The Deutsch/European versions are at
    The United Kingdom Matchbox site []
    is showing side-by-side displays of different variations of the Superfast 2005 line.

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