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     Southern California and Texas to collide in 2006 Rose Bowl
    Sports: Athletic Contests
    USC clobbered UCLA 66 to 19. Texas whipped Colorado 70 to 3. It is safe to say that neither game was even that close. These two college football juggernauts are going to meet in the BCS championship game in the Rose Bowl in the best possible scenario the BCS could have dreamed: Let's find two teams that by far and away are the greatest and have them play. This is the kind of scenario that says "Playoff? We don't need no steekin playoff!" The payoff they will take however.

    Reggie Bush is not human. Vince Young is a football playing alien automaton. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unstoppable force?

    I can hardly wait for the hype. As if the USC / UCLA matchup was not bad enough. It was worse than the Super bowl. Now we have a whole month to hype the Rose Bowl. I would love to be an ABC exec this year. USC is TV gold.
    Posted on Saturday, December 03, 2005 @ 19:02:39 UTC by BB
    "Southern California and Texas to collide in 2006 Rose Bowl" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments
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    UCLA Gets the Sun Bowl (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, December 16, 2005 @ 11:55:40 UTC
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    The UCLA Bruins (9-2, 6-2 PAC-10) will play Northwestern Wildcats (7-4, 5-3 Big Ten) in the Sun Bowl to be televised on CBS on December 30th at 2:00pm EST. The Sun bowl in El Paso, Texas is the nation's second oldest bowl game after the Rose Bowl. Colorado will play Clemson in the Champs Sports Bowl (Formerly Florida Citrus Bowl) on December 27th.

    As a further kick in the Bruin's teeth, there will be a Helen of Troy half time show. UCLA Coach Terry Donahue has been named to the 2005 Legends of the Sun Bowl (for defeating Illinois 6-3 in 1991?)

    2006 Rose Bowl Half Time show (Score: 1)
    by BB on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 @ 10:39:53 UTC
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    Traditionally in the Rose Bowl, only the marching bands from the participating schools play on the field. Each band typically gets about 1 minute of network air time. Most bowl games do not show the marching bands at half time because of the ability to show commercials and more in-studio analysis. In 2005, ABC showed the Texas Longhorn marching band performing the March Grandioso while they spread accross the field.

    Twenty years ago, in the 1985 Rose Bowl, the USC Marching band assembled around a large box in the middle of the field. The box opened to reveal an inflatable replica of the Statue of Liberty. The band marched in circles playing patriotic music as the replica slowly inflated. As Lady Liberty reeled like a drunken sailor in the wind, you could feel the anticipation of the crowd growing. Once the giant balloon was fully erect, the crowd roared its approval, as much in a patriotic ferver as they were relieved to see the process complete.

    UCLA Defeats Northwestern in the Sun Bowl (Score: 1)
    by BB on Tuesday, January 03, 2006 @ 08:59:24 UTC
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    UCLA defeated Northwestern 50-38 in the Sun Bowl on December 30th 2005. Karl Dorrell got the lofty 10th win of the season. One comment that many sportswriters have for favored teams is that there were games they should have won, or they had moral victories. Sportswriters that dislike teams call them overrated, or say that the record reflects lucky breaks. Ten years from now, this team will be one of the few Bruin teams to break into the rarified air of 10 wins and no one will remember how good or bad they were.

    The Bruins put together some incredible comebacks this season. They erased four double-digit fourth quarter deficits this season, including 21 straight points in the last nine minutes to tie Stanford, whom the Bruins went on to beat in overtime at the Farm. That fourth-quarter rally was the best in school history and fourth in the month of October. UCLA had trailed Washington by 10 points, California by 12 and Washington State by 17. The finale saw them down 22-0 to the Wildcats, which had been changed to a 29-22 lead by halftime. This is the greatest points comeback of all time for UCLA, beating the 21 points against Stanford, and also down by 21 in the second quarter against Arizona State in 2000 and against Michigan in 1982.

    There are two blemishes on their record. One was a stupid loss against Arizona. The second was a heavy beating from the #1 team in the country. At UCLA you must beat USC, you must win bowl games, and you must contend for the Rose Bowl every year. Otherwise, a head coach could find himself fired.

    Rose Parade 2005 - RAIN RAIN RAIN (Score: 1)
    by BB on Tuesday, January 03, 2006 @ 09:09:02 UTC
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    It POURED on the Rose Parade. The cameras were so wet, it was hard to see any of the floats or bands. To show rain in film and to actually be able to see the droplets, directors typically use sprinklers. Actors get drenched and face the prospect of drowning. The rain was so bad, you could see the visible driving raindrops. Even in High Definition, the effect on the cameras was like vaseline.

    As usual NBC and ABC gave up on the Rose Parade about 70% of the way in. Both networks have lousy camera placement compared to local station KTLA. KTLA has, by far, the best Rose Parade coverage. Also, they do not show commercials during the live broadcast. The merely have captions during the parade. KTLA has their cameras set up on Colorado Boulevard facing the Norton Simon museum. They have the morning sun (normally) behind them and great shots of the floats. NBC and ABC are facing Orange Grove Boulavard and have trouble framing the floats and bands.

    The Texas Longhorn band had orange ponchos and plastic covers on their cowboy hats. The USC Spirit of Troy marching band left their Trojan helmets on the bus and donned baseball caps and clear ponchos. They kept their trademark sunglasses, despite the driving rain.

    Terri Hatcher, making a cameo appearance and commenting on the parade for ABC, changed outfits at least five times and looked like a wet poodle. I hope she drummed up some good publicity for Desperate Housewives.

    Hopefully, the Rose Bowl turf will be dry. In past years, they have used helicopters to dry the field. Sometimes, the rose logos have needed repainting. Also, if the field is wet enough, the bands may not be able to march in order to preserve the turf.

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