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It is finally ready! After a 5-year hiatus, the Group29 site is completely revamped! An application called "PHP-Nuke" has made it possible to for us to do some of the things that we have always wanted to do with Group29.com.
We now can handle dynamic content without needing the services of a technician. Any one of the editors can now enter and edit stories anywhere there is a web browser. This will make it easier for reviews and news to appear and help keep the site from stagnating. Please look around and give us some feedback.
The best place to start might be the Frequently Asked Questions pages.
Thanks for checking us out!
This new web site has been completed in conjunction with a server upgrade from our kindly host. Tony has been handling all of the administrative duties for Group29. Without him keeping the lights on for the last eight years, there really might have been nothing at all.
All of the reviews and content from the original Group29 site have been brought and updated! I personally went through each Movie review and made links to IMDB as well as links between reviews and Expectations. That took a total of two months to complete that in my free time.
There is a new Forums section which I hope will see some use. There is a personal Journal/Blog section for each user and so much more. In fact, there is so much, I am going to end up spending a month documenting it all.
Posted on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 @ 12:39:13 UTC by BB
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