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    Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope -Special Edition 1997- [28]

    Movie Reviews
    It's only the highest grossing film of all time, yes--even more $$ than E.T. and Jurassic Park! I saw Star Wars on opening night and must admit it was a treat to see it once again on the "Big Screen". But having seen the film so many times I can recite the dialogue in my sleep I found that I must rate the new version a 28 on the 29 scale. Why you ask the one point deduction? I find there are two kinds of people when it comes to Star Wars: those who love it and those who "don't get it". Now that G. Lucas has reworked the film as he puts it " my original vision..." I find that it was lacking in two crucial points. 1. The additions to the film will not attract/convert those who disliked it the first time. Maybe that's because those folks hate science fiction (always have/always will) or maybe the movie isn't necessarilly "NEW & IMPROVED" as much as it could be. 2. There were a few edits that I found myself asking the hard to beleive question: "Why'd Lucas do that?".


    1.) The famous swing across the deathstar chasm scene: While Luke measures out the rope, our Princess shows she knows how to set a blaster to FULL power. (New added sound effect for the blaster now makes it sound like a howitzer, this was odd).

    2.) Now that Lucas has added the nifty (cool) scene of the Millenium Falcon leaving Mos Eisley by "rising" into the air slowly before blasting away into orbit, he felt compelled to do so again with the x-wings et. all at the rebel base prior to the Death Star attack. I didn't like this. It seemed more a "look at our cool space ships" thing then a necessary added effect. The old way to refresh your memory was a simple scene where a sentry is standing in a tower above the jungle and rebel base while in the distance "V" formations of light zipped off into the sky towards the heavens. I liked this much better. It conveyed more urgency to me and showcased how fast "snub" fighters can take orbit.

    3.) Han Solo chasing stormtroopers down the hallway run into a dead end (old version) and realizing they have him outnumbered and having nowhere else to run, turn around to chase Han back the other way. This was a scene of great comic relief. The new version has Han chasing the stormtroopers into a Tie fighter hanger festooned with stormtroopers as far as the eye can see. While still funny, it didn't add anything for me. Lucas is simply telling the same joke with a stronger punch line.

    Bottom line: Go see this movie. If you love Sci-FI, you'll have a great time. Star Wars fans will love seeing it "fresh" on the big screen again (I DID). I loved the film's new crisp (digitally remastered) look! I will be first in line at my theater to see "The Empire Strikes Back"!! [JB]

    Alternate Review 1

    Alternate Review 3

    Added: April 7th 2004
    Reviewer: JDB
    29 Point Scale Score: 28    [28]

    Related Link (IMDB): IMDB - Star Wars
    Hits: 3783
    Language: english


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