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    Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi -Special Edition 1997- [29]

    Movie Reviews
    Stunning to give the last movie of the original trilogy a 29 out of 29, but I had to!


    They changed the ending! For years the end of this movie bugged me. Forgive me fellow fans, but I HATE Ewoks. The idea of "cute" spear-toting teddy-bears wiping out an entire legion of the Emperor's best plasti-steel-clad stormtroopers turned my stomach! So the original ending showing our heroes partying with Ewoks singing that dumb song was almost more than I could take. Apparently, it was more than Lucas could take too because he edited the last part of the soundtrack so the dumb song stays on Endor, and the celebration of the rebel victory is shown around the galaxy with crafty new footage. This works great for me because not only do I not have to sit through that dumb Ewok song anymore but (for me) it more accurately shows the scope of what the rebel victory and Emperor Palpatine's death means across the galaxy. Numerous planets and their capital cities are shown with millions of people dancing in the streets.

    Again, dazzling special effects, (lots of star destroyers!) and new footage here and there make this movie tons of fun!

    All that's left is to wait (im)patiently for the next trilogy! I for one am looking forward to that! [JB]

    Alternate Review

    Added: April 7th 2004
    Reviewer: JDB
    29 Point Scale Score: 29    [29]

    Related Link (IMDB): IMDB
    Hits: 3296
    Language: english


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