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    Die Another Day [26] -2002-

    Movie Reviews
    This is easily the best Pierce Brosnan James Bond Movie. MGM/UA has managed to stretch this franchise into its 40th year since the release of Dr. No in 1962. Since the release of "For Your Eyes Only", we have run out of original books by Ian Fleming. But this story has all the required elements of a good 007 outing. North Korea is a great unknown menace country. They are still a communist country. And we all know that, as long as there are still totalitarian commies, James Bond will always have a job.

    The movie borrows elements from some previous James Bond movies, Dr. No in particular:
    • Dr. No: Jinx Johnson (Halle Barry ) emerges from the waves wearing the same costume in 2002 as Ursala Andress in 1962. Bond travels to caribbean island and rides in 1957 convertible.
    • You Only Live Twice: That is to say "Die another Day"
    • Diamonds are Forever: Did I mention there are diamonds in the plot?
    • Man with the Golden Gun: Giant "Laser"
    • Moonraker: Giant hidden Space station
    • Octopussy: Meglomaniac Communist Generals invading democratic republic over border financed by jewelry

    Of course, the meglomaniacal zillionaire bent on world domination is a staple. And Gustav Graves/Colonel Zao makes a good play for all time best amongst stiff competition.

    One of the best locations is Cuba. We are right back in the 1960's communism where Bond got his start. This is 007 in his native element: drinking, smoking, engaging in relationships with dangerous women, and looking for trouble.

    This movie borrows from the book, You Only Live Twice, in which Bond returns to M after torture and brainwashing.

    You cannot write more Mozart concertos, but you can compose in his style. It is still not Mozart, but sounds great. Similarly, you can not write any more Ian Fleming novels. Composing and authoring are based upon unique experience and talent. This movie looks great. I highly recommend it as a DVD for your James Bond collection. Get the "girls of the bond movies" additional DVD while you are at it. {BB}

    Added: August 4th 2004
    Reviewer: BB
    29 Point Scale Score: 26    [26]

    Related Link (IMDB): IMDB
    Hits: 2101
    Language: english


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