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    Caddyshack II [6]

    Movie Reviews
    Caddyshack II seemed to fall off the rails because it did not have the solid authoritarian fallibility humor of the first movie. And Jackie Mason just could not hang with his character. There were really no caddies. The movie should have been called “Return to Bushwood” or “Golf Club”. The movie probably would not be tarred as such a stinker then. The other problem was that the WASPS were decisively defeated in Caddyshack. So the second movie really was really to milk a few million more out of a franchise. Harold Ramis and Bryan Doyle-Murray deserved whatever they could get for doing such a good job on the first movie.

    You really do not need to see this movie, but if you do, you will appreciate the first one all the more. {BB}

    Added: February 7th 2005
    Reviewer: BB
    29 Point Scale Score: 6    [6]

    Related Link (IMDB): IMDB
    Hits: 3207
    Language: english


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