Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith [27]
Yes, there were holes...but then, Episodes I & II created some big enough to fly a Star Destroyer through. (Virgin birth? Midichlorians anyone?)
I also noticed that the Trade Federation Representatives lost their Japanese acCENts. Apparently their blahcahd is no lahnger cahmpretry rehgal... Thankfully no-one had to fly or swim throught the core of the molten planet...
Still, on it's own merits, an enjoyable film, and an enjoyable trilogy. I will likely watch them again soon. I do not blame George for my lost childhood, since I feel in many ways it was not lost, but is still with me. I would like to try the trick my brother and I pulled years ago by playing IV, V & VI side by side with episodes I, II, & III so see if they have the same scene paces as the other three. Maybe we could play the evens, and then the odds and see what happens...
I would probably give it a 27, but I reserve the right to change my mind after I see it again a couple more times. {JBB}
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Added: July 8th 2005 Reviewer: JBB 29 Point Scale Score: [27]
Related Link (IMDB): IMDB Hits: 2319 Language: english
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