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    Chicago [16]

    Movie Reviews
    This musical is a movie based upon a revival of a Broadway play based upon a Bob Fosse play, based upon a comedic play from 1926. They all have the same title of Chicago. The setting could be Kansas City or St. Louis for all we see of the city itself. But the era is during Prohibition and the Roaring Twenties. Jazz and Liquor still dominated.

    The opening number, All that Jazz, is very catchy. My favorite number is the cell block tango. Six of the lovely ladies in the Cook County jail entertain us with:
    "Pop, Six, Squish, Uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz"
    This is a very catchy tune. Thank you John Kander and Fred Ebb.

    The lyrics sound like a law firm:
    Popsichs, Quishaa, Cicero, and Lipschitz.

    The only number that comes close to these two is "We both reached for the gun".

    I heve never seen the stage play, and likely never will. But I wonder if the play is a show within a show? The movie is a play within a movie.
       Roxie Hart, played by a slimmer-than-Bridget-Jones RenĂ©e Zellweger, wants to be a showgirl. She cheats on her husband with a boyfriend who is just a furniture salesman. But he pretends to be in the business to get her in bed. Roxie shoots him when she finds out the truth.

     Velma Kelly, played by Catherine Zeta-Jones the T-Mobile shill, is already in jail for allegedly killing her husband. (Caught doing the spreadeagle...)

    Billy Flynn, played by Richard Gere, is the hotshot lawyer who can get them off the hook. I cannot see Richard Gere tapdancing, even though I just saw Richard Gere tap dancing.....

    Fun movie, good for a date. It won academy awards so it cannot be all bad, right? {BB}

    Added: October 21st 2005
    Reviewer: BB
    29 Point Scale Score: 16    [16]

    Related Link (IMDB): IMDB - Chicago
    Hits: 2070
    Language: english


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