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    Movie Reviews
    Director John Woo makes up for the disgrace that was Broken Arrow. (John Travolta, Christian Slater) Hard hitting action with more bullets (read squibs) fired than in Iraq during the Gulf War. Unfortunately, I got into the movie too much to perform an actual body count. (Something I really look forward to during a Woo flick!) But I'm sure it is way up there (30+) Travolta plays a super FBI agent and Nicholas Cage plays the bad guy. (and he is VERY BAD!) When they switch faces, the actors really bring it off by performing the quirks that they've been using so far into the movie.

    If you like action flicks that are a bit more hard boiled, go see this. If you are a big Seagal fan, I would pass, as the hand to hand combat is on the slim side. (Woo's heroes tend to use bullets, not fists) (Hmmm.. I wonder if [Quentin] Tarentino got a few of his moves from Woo????) I highly recommend this film if yer into that kind of thing. (Probably not a great date flick though:) {SD}

    See expectation

    Added: April 7th 2004
    Reviewer: SD
    29 Point Scale Score: 25    [25]

    Related Link (IMDB): IMDB
    Hits: 2128
    Language: english


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