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Godzilla [21] -1998-
O.K. I admit it. I loved the new Godzilla. I might be in the minority, and they may cart me away in a little white love-me jacket (with wrap around sleeves) but I did, I truely did. I am not an unabashed Matthew Broderick fan - but he was fine as the 'worm' scientist. I loved Jean Reno. This guy is going to make a lot of money as a supporting actor. I hope that he gets his due, he was fabulous. I am an unabashed Hank Arazaria fan - he need to have more supporting roles. The monster was out of this world. I really think that Godzilla came alive like the dinosours in Jurassic Park (the ultimate reference point for CG animation and robotics right now). The scene I adored was the military chopers chasing Godzilla through the city, just tearing the buildings up as they missed with almost everything they threw at the fast moving target. So believable that the military would do more damage to the city than the monster. They creators of this new age Godzilla did their homework. They were pretty true to the original story, while still being able to updated it for today's movie expectations and special effects abilities. This is not a guy in a suit and it shows.
These last two years have been destroy New York summers. First ID4 (but many cites were blasted there), Deep Impact, Armageddon (again more than just New York) and now Godzilla. Guess any publicity is better than none, eh?
The only qualm I has was with the eggs laid in Madison Square Garden. For the most part, they had the size references down, but I still can't see how a creature THAT big could lay its eggs in the Square without destroying it. The monster wouldn't fit in backwards, nor could it use its stubby arms for stocking the eggs. Hmmmm.
But that aside, the movie rocked for me. I know I'll be strung up for this, but hey - it's my movie review web page, right? [AB]
See Expectation
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Added: April 7th 2004 Reviewer: AB 29 Point Scale Score: [21]
Related Link (IMDB): IMDB Hits: 2271 Language: english
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