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     Florida defeats UCLA to win 2006 NCAA basketball championship
    The Sport of Basketball
    The Florida Gators handily defeated 11 time National champion UCLA to win their first basketball title in school history. Joakim Noah and his shot blocking set a championship game record. Florida played spectacularly, maintaining a solid defense on the Bruins who previously set the benchmark. The offense for Florida offset the defense of UCLA. With the solid inside play of Noah, there was no way the Bruins could get any layups or second shots. He deserves the credit, and was rightfully named the player of the tournament.

    Both of these teams will be back in the NCAA tournament next year. But other teams will be ready. Hopefully Adam Morrison will return for his senior season and finally take the National championship to Gonzaga.
    Posted on Monday, April 03, 2006 @ 20:12:02 UTC by BB
    "Florida defeats UCLA to win 2006 NCAA basketball championship" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments
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    From the CBScoverage (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, April 07, 2006 @ 06:28:37 UTC
    (User Info )
    Billy Packer and Jim Nantz did a nice job covering the semi finals and finals. Since all three games were never close, they were able to comment as if we were watching a documentary. I did not hear much complaining about the lack of excitement. Joakim Noah dominated as a center is supposed to. Give strong conference play credit. Both UCLA and Florida lost conference games, but came on strong to win their conference tournaments. The SEC does not have round robin play, so it is harder to judge the teams against each other. South Carolina, the NIT champion, has to be seething over the two point differential in the championship game of the SEC tournament. A win would have put them in the NCAA tournament and given them a victory over Florida.

    Dick Enberg had to cover a whole lifetime worth of NCAA basketball in three minutes. Not an enviable position. Then Greg Gumbel gave Dick some lip about his metallic pink tie. Dick looked back at the camera as if to bore a hole in his wardrobe manager with his eyes.

    1966 Texas Western Miners honored (Score: 1)
    by BB on Friday, April 07, 2006 @ 06:39:59 UTC
    (User Info )
    The 1966 Texas Western (now Texas El-Paso) Men's basketball team was honored at half court before the start of the championship game.

    Their accomplishments were covered in the movie Glory Road based on the book by Dan Wetzel.

    See the Group29 Expectation review for the movie Glory Road

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