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     How do I put YouTube Files on my Moto Razr?
    RAZR phones - Neat things you can do
    Combine YouTube, the current hot free video download web site with your Razr phone and what do you have? A groovy way to impress your friends and carry some cool video clips with you at all times.

    See some of the previous related Group29 articles:
    Group29: YouTube Phenomenon

    Moto RAZR part III: How do I create and upload video files for my Moto RAZR?

    How do I save YouTube files to my computer's hard drive?
    The file format used by YouTube is Flash Video, or *.flv, and can be viewed on its own by using one of many FLV viewing programs available. The FLV video file can be downloaded in a number of ways. Some pull the .DAT file from their TEMP folder and convert it to a different format of video using video converting programs.

    One way to get the files is to use YouTubeX:
    YouTubeX Lets you download & save ANY video on
    Download Instructions
    - Browse for the YouTube video you want to download
    - Copy & paste the video URL into the form above
    - Click "download" to begin downloading the YouTube video

    What do I do with the .flv file?
    The first step is to convert it to a more common video format playable on your PC. The Riva FLVEncoder will convert the files to MPG or AVI files that you can play on your local PC.

    The RIVA FLV encoder works well and it is free. Behind the scenes it uses the ffmpeg command line utility. However, ffmpeg is a program that really needs a GUI front end and RIVA FLV is one of many. I converted some FLV files to MOV (Quicktime) files and WMV (Windows Media Player) files.

    One issue is that the Motorola Razr V3 requires the 3GP video file format. RIVA FLV does not convert to 3GP without a recompiled version of its underlying free software application, ffmpeg.exe. (This is not a trivial exercise, despite the fact that there are many different sets of instructions on just exactly how to get the codecs from 3GP and compile with mingw.)

    But using RIVA FLV in conjunction with the programs listed below will accomplish the feat of getting Flash video files (like those on YouTube) onto your Moto.

    3GP conversion for cell phones
    Finding a freeware 3GP converter is difficult at this stage. There are a number of shareware applications that are useful however. I chose the Xilisoft 3GP converter and was able to turn some WMV and MOV files into 176x144 3GP files. Note that the shareware version of the Xilisoft Video converter limits you to 2 minutes total. Two minutes is a long time and can use 500 to 1000 K of precious memory on your phone.

    The Xilisoft 3GP Video Converter allows users to convert almost all popular video formats MPEG1/2/4, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, DV, YUV, H264 to 3GP file. It also converts 3GP video file to popular video formats such as 3GP to AVI, 3GP to MPEG. The 3GP Video Converter supports convert audio-only 3GP file to MP3, WAV, and vice versa.

    Download update 11/4/07 - VIXY.NET
    A website called is available that converts YouTube videos to into DivX avi, mov, mp4 and most importantly 3gp. You can also choose to download only the audio portion of the video as an MP3 file. (This particular feature is very useful to obtain music from the music videos on YouTube. The stereo quality is good enough for MP3 player playback.) The current problem with is that it is very popular and is inconsistent in downloading and availability.

    Copy the files to your RAZR
    Follow the directions to get the final 3GP files to your cell phone:

    More useful information on YouTube downloads (

    Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 @ 09:12:36 UTC by BB
    "How do I put YouTube Files on my Moto Razr?" | Login/Create an Account | 0 comments
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