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     Who played the brush snare drum on the Grand Budapest Hotel soundtrack?
    Entertainment: Music
    Two Percussionists are credited on the soundtrack: Paul Clarvis and Frank Ricotti
    According to this blog, Paul Clarvis laid down percussion tracks from the 2nd to the 4th of September 2013 for the movie. He returned for pickups with Frank Ricotti on September 20.

    If you look at the works of Paul Clarvis, he is very adept at snare drum playing, particularly his skill with the snare brushes. It was the brush work on the soundtrack for The Grand Budapest Hotel movie that really caught my attention. In the chase scene, which has the title Canto on Gabelmeisters Peak, the snare brush keeps the pace going at slightly faster than 120 beats per second. The music pauses as the funicular cars swing in time to the beat, then resumes. I thought this was utterly fantastic. So much so that when the score was nominated for an Academy award, I thought it might win. Alexandre Desplat built a beautiful score. The drum work of Mr. Clarvis really made this happen for me.

    Paul seems to be doing either sweeping a single brush back and forth like a broom to keep time, or alternating both hands on downward sweeps. I am going to guess the latter would be less tiring.

    This is my favorite snare brush percussion work next to jerry Granello from Vince Guaraldi trio on a Charlie Brown Christmas.

    Most of the time, in my experience, the snare brush appears on tuneless jazz improvisation to keep the beat. It is a great technique to keep the drum kit from intruding into the music. It is subtle, and underutilized, since most kit players tend towards the technique of Gene Krupa and his pounding tom toms.
    Posted on Sunday, March 08, 2015 @ 16:38:27 UTC by BB
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