Desperate Housewives Plays Well In Peoria
The most popular new show on television is Desperate Housewives, starring:
Marcia Cross as Bree Van De Kamp
Teri Hatcher as Susan Mayer
Felicity Huffman as Lynette Scavo
Eva Longoria as Gabrielle Solis
Nicollette Sheridan as Edie Britt is making a play to become the 5th in the party. However, she is not in a relationship and is on the outside until they write her a new partner.
All 5 women were on the Oprah Winfrey show recently and were able to meet real life counterparts to their characters. It was a real eye opener. Plus, we got to see Teri Hatcher demonstrating her new stripping workout. Whoowee! I always liked Teri as Lois Lane in the Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman TV show.
The show is ruling the Nielsen ratings, cranking in 20% or more of all TV households on Sunday night. Only CSI seems to be doing any better. A few years ago, we made sure that we watched Friends on Thursday nights. Those days are long gone.
Desperate Housewives is the ONLY show that we schedule time to watch. I do not have a personal video recorder. Even if I did, I would have time for one or two shows a week. We actually watch this show at its broadcast time on Sunday night.
The weekly nighttime serial really has me hooked. I like all of the characters and their foibles.
The show has not "jumped the shark" yet in my opinion. Although that was the buzz on the radio this morning. One thing I have noted, and appears on the jump the shark site, is the Buick LaCrosse tie in. The car had been heavily advertised during the commercial breaks too.
The Buick LaCrosse is a bit of a pedestrian automobile for the show, since everyone seems to drive nice luxury automobiles like Volvos, Nissans/Infinitis, and Masaratis. And who would want to drive a vehicle named after a party city with University of Wisconsin branch in it? Or for that matter, a car named after a game played with net sticks.
I never saw the Terrell Owens/Nicollette Sheridan dropped towel promotion on Monday Night Football. But, that kind of thing goes with the territory.
The big question is how long are the Mary Alice connected murders going to keep the show rolling. Last Night’s episode finally solved the problem of why Mike is living in the neighborhood. He is looking for the daughter of his benefactor (Deirdre) who also happened to be his girlfriend. We know that there is a chopped up dead body in a toy box. But we figure that is Dana, a member of Mary Alice’s family. Plus now we have the Mrs Solis coma thread, to wind up. And we have the Mrs. Huber thread to wind up. This could go on for years. I expect an excellent cliffhanger for the May sweeps.
The lead in show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, has an attractive concept: Find people who have suffered tragedy or are needy and put their life back on the rails. I usually catch the last three minutes as the subjects tour their new homes. Ty Pennington may be a great carpenter, but he is an annoying gift giver. ABC needs to get an older, wiser, more benevolent person as the leader of the crew.
Bravo for having Danny Elfman do the theme music. His tunes are always "a bit frantic" at what seems to be 160 beats a minute. His style is recognizable in his Oingo Boingo tunes. Clearly the Desperate Housewives theme and The Simpsons theme sprang from the same mind. (Here is a great site, The Elfman Zone, with more information about Mr. Elfman.
The trailing show, Boston Legal is attractive too. William Shatner, Candice Bergen, James Spader, and a bevy of attractive lawyers make for the best looking new law dramedy since L.A. Law. I just cannot bring myself to watch it.
Posted on Monday, January 17, 2005 @ 07:12:41 UTC by BB
"Desperate Housewives Plays Well In Peoria" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments |
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Re: Desperate Housewives Plays Well In Minneapolis (Score: 1) by BB on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 @ 02:33:28 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | Neal Justin, the Minneapolis Star Tribune TV critic, has a nice article about Desparate Housewives [www.startribune.com]. It will be finishing out this season in the next seven episodes.
I have not read the spoiler pages, so I am not sure how the series turns out. However, Marc Cherry, the creator said it was an idea he got from his mother. 'The two of them were watching the trial of Andrea Yates, who drowned her children, when mom said: "I've been there."'
So the wheels turned and I speculated that Mary Alice (aka Angela) killed her child. I have suspected that this has been the storyline all along. Mary Alice did something horrible that was worthy of blackmail. Then she killed herself. I am not entirely sure if Dana is that child.
As a side note, I was a die hard X-Files and Star Trek Fan. I couldn't give a flying leap about Enterprise. But I'll force the children to go to bed early to watch Desperate Housewives. Nice work Marc and Mitchell [Hurwitz]. |
Edie Britt is in the club (Score: 1) by BB on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 @ 13:33:06 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | Edie Britt, played by Nicollette Sheridan was written as a more sympathetic character in the March 27th episode. She goes to Susan to comfort her after the breakup. She also helps Susan break into Paul's house to get more information on Mary Alice Young/Angela. She is already in the ladies' poker game as a consequence of Susan's admission of accidental arson. (Susan burned Edie's house down by tripping over candles.) Interestingly, Edie's character is the only one growing or progressing in the story arc. All the other characters retain their same personalities.
Paul Young, played by Mark Moses, is a really scary and creepy guy. It remains to be seen whether he is protecting his son Zach (Cody Kasch) or is just an out and out demented murderer. And what happened to Dierdre and why does Paul seem to be involved?
IMDB has an entry for the Desparate Housewives show. [www.imdb.com] Check out the trivia section. |
Andrew Van De Kamp goes to Prison School (Score: 1) by BB on Monday, April 04, 2005 @ 16:15:02 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | This is one that google does not seem to help with. Are there really schools in the United States where you can send your children to be incarcerated? OR maybe the show is not set in the U.S. And to top it off, thugs can bodily haul then away? The scene where Andrew Van De Kamp is grabbed by two big men and sent off to a high security school did not seem to be possible. I understand that boot camp schools are a voluntary thing where it would be a choice between that or youth correctional facility. |
4-10-2005 Desperate Housewives * Spoilers * (Score: 1) by BB on Monday, April 11, 2005 @ 03:21:25 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | I suspect Dierdre is the chopped up body in the toy box. She was a private detective. She was going to take away Zack. According to Mrs. Huber's sister, Zack is DANA!. So, why is she prolonging this? Mrs. Huber left no money. Her sister hated her and her poor tastes. Yet the sister is sticking around and not telling anyone about Mary Alice, Paul, and Zack. And she is not blackmailing anyone.
Now I speculate that Zack is abducted. Although, for a brief moment I thought he had a sex change as a young child. |
Desperate Housewives *Spoilers* May 8th 2005 (Score: 1) by BB on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 @ 14:56:37 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | *Spoilers*
Zack is Dana. He was abducted by Mary Alice and Paul as a baby. He is the son of a drug user. Mrs. Huber's sister was a nurse co-worker of Mary Alice (Angela's). Mrs. Huber was blackmailing Mary Alice.
Mike is looking for Deirdre in the neighborhood. Why would he suspect she was in the neighborhood if he did not know why? She is the body in the toy box. Paul owned the toy box and Mike knows Paul did it. Paul called Deirdre a private detective. (Opinion: I think Deirdre is Paul's mother and Mike is Paul's father. ) Mike killed a cop who was blackmailing a drug addicted Deirdre. That is why he went to prison.
Mrs. Solice is dead. So Gabrielle's secret affair is still secret. However, she is pregnant, and does not know who the father is.
Andrew has not made his final appearance to "rock his mom's world" yet. But Rex is not getting any better since the pharmacist is tampering with his pills. He will be having a heart attack next week according to the teaser.
Desperate Housewives Spoilers May 23 2005 (Score: 1) by BB on Monday, May 23, 2005 @ 20:01:43 UTC (User Info ) http://www.group29.com | Dierdre was a drug user in rehab with Mary Alice (Angela).
Mrs Huber's sister, Mrs. Tillman knew Mary Alice as a nurse in a hospital.
Dierdre came to Angela and Paul looking for money for drugs. She "sold" Dana to Mary Alice and Paul, since they could not have their own children.
Dierdre cleaned up a few years later and came looking for Dana, now renamed Zack.
Mary Alice Killed Dierdre with a kitchen chopping knife (looks like an 8 inch Chef knife).
She then took Zack's toybox and chopped up Dierdre, then put her inside. The toybox was buried under the pool concrete. (So why did Paul did her up? Duh?!?)
Mike was Dierdre's boyfriend and killed a corrupt cop that was blackmailing Dierdre for sex. He went to jail for it.
Mike figured out that Paul Young owned the toybox, and probably killed Deirdre. He met Paul at the park, tied him up and took him to a gravel pit to kill him. Paul told the story of Zack. Mike let Paul go. Mike is probably Zack's father. This is going to make things uncomfortable in the Susan/Mike relationship, since Zack held Susan at gunpoint in Mike's house.
IN the meantime, Tom has quit his job. He decides that Lynette will be the one to go back to work, since she sabotaged his position within the company.
Rex dies in the hospital, from tampered meds. He believes that Bree poisoned him, not the unscrupulous pharmacist. So he wrote a note to her before he died. Bree collapses on the dining room table in tears upon hearing the news.
Carlos is going to the joint for a long long time. He threatened to kill John in front of a grand jury. John revealed that he had been boinking Gabriel three times a week.
The show closes with Mike walking into an ambush in his own house, by Zack armed with Mary Alice's snubnose revolver.