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     Fun: Matchbox 2005 Wave E update
    Matchbox Die Cast Cars
    Wave E of the 2005 Matchbox Superfast series will be available at the end of this month. There are more cool new models. One of them is the GMC Terradyne which appeared at the 2000 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS)

    Here is the list of Matchbox 2005 Series / Wave E Superfast Cars - Set of 12

    #8 1965 Mustang GT
    #31 VW Microbus
    #49 VW W12
    #41 Ford GT
    #54 Opel Speedster
    #55 Mitsubishi Eclipse
    #61, 1957 Chevy Bel Air Convertible
    #60 Ikarus Coach
    #63 X-Terra
    #16 1965 Shelby Cobra 427sc
    #64 Toyota Scion
    #65 GMC Terradyne.

    I expect the five spoke wheels to appear on the Mustang, Bel Air, Shelby Cobra, and Ford GT. I am interested to see if the 2005 Mustang is white like the original Superfast. The 2004 35th anniversary version was orange like one variation of the original superfast mustang.

    Here is the previous Group29 article about Matchbox 2005 Superfast Waves A, B, C, and D.
    Posted on Sunday, July 24, 2005 @ 14:21:03 UTC by BB
    "Matchbox 2005 Wave E update" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment
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    Matchbox 2005 Wave E update September 2005 (Score: 1)
    by BB on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 @ 11:43:35 UTC
    (User Info )
    The models have finally arrived, and there are a few changes.

      8 1965 Mustang GT  - light metallic blue w/5SW
     16 1965 Shelby Cobra 427sc  - grey w/5SW
     31 VW Microbus  - red with white room
     49 VW W12 concept  -  Red
     41 Ford GT  - White with blue stripes
     54 Opel Speedster  - Yellow Convertible
     55 Mitsubishi Eclipse  - grey
     61 1957 Chevy Bel Air Convertible  - light blue convertible w/5SW
     62 1968 Mercury Cougar - White w/5SW
     63 Nissan X-Terra - Black and white
     64 Toyota Scion  - black 
     65 GMC Terradyne - dark grey

    5SW = Five spoke wheels like the old Superfast cars

    The number 60 Ikarus Coach was switched out with the Mercury Cougar. In the 2004 35th anniversary series, the #41 Ford GT was one of the few shipped with 5SW. This version gets the new superfast wheel treatment. It looks pretty modern for a 40 year old! The 57 Chevy converitble is a sweet ride with it's light turquoise blue. The official color that might be the closest match is India Ivory and Larkspur blue for the 1957 model year. The VW W12 concept looks like a fearsome European racer. The W12 engine has been placed in a production car, the VW Phaeton listing at just under US$100,000.

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