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    Fun: The Web Site is Down surface psychoanalysis
    Posted by BB on Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 12:23:05 UTC (4101 reads)
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    Well, we think it is funnySome clever folks assembled by Josh Weinberg have put together a 10-minute comedy video called Sales Guy vs. Web Dude, also known as The Web Site is Down.  Although this is now classified as an Internet meme,   I still thought to write about it and describe how some of the psychology works in that dynamic.

    Fun: Matchbox Superfast 2008 new models available!
    Posted by BB on Monday, August 04, 2008 @ 13:47:12 UTC (6442 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsA new line of Matchbox Superfast branded models is appearing in Wal Mart stores for the summer of 2008. These models consist of the car outside the box in a rectangular clear cellophane box. There are 10 of these boxes loaded into a flat cardboard display box.

    Fun: Bonerama III: Bringing It Home
    Posted by BB on Friday, January 18, 2008 @ 04:21:09 UTC (3203 reads)
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    Entertainment: MusicThe third release "Bringing it Home" from the New Orleans trombone group Bonerama, brings more of their Posaune-centric power into your home for your own personal enjoyment. With the first two albums, my favorites have been the arrangements of power rock tunes like Frankenstein, Whipping Post, and Crosstown Traffic. With this album they bring in a great Led Zeppelin classic: Ocean. They return to record live in New Orleans after recording their second album in New York City.

    Fun: New games for Windows Vista (Tradewinds)
    Posted by BB on Thursday, October 25, 2007 @ 07:29:18 UTC (3151 reads)
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    Games: Computer GamesWhile going through some of the features available on my new HP Windows Vista PC, I came across the HP games. The Games are packaged by Wild Tangent and you get coins to try each one. Previously I wrote about my top ten favorite PC games. I also wrote about the Windows Vista Plusses and Minuses following my Windows Vista 2007 Launch Tour.

    Fun: Matchbox Superfast 2006 Waves of Die Cast Toys Appearing
    Posted by BB on Friday, July 07, 2006 @ 13:48:58 UTC (12051 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsAccording to the word on the street, the Matchbox Superfast 2006 line will be the last of this series of die cast toys from Mattel. The Matchbox 35th Anniversary and Matchbox 2005 sets have been great and I have picked up all waves from A to G in both series to get all 75 cars. I recently picked up the Autobahn and SUV series too. I am still on the fence as to whether I should get the 2006 series. They are underway already. There are only 15,500 castings being made of the Superfast Series 3 line.
    Fun: Matchbox Superfast 2005 update: Wave G Delivered!
    Posted by BB on Sunday, April 23, 2006 @ 05:34:55 UTC (4231 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsThe last three cars for Wave G in the Matchbox Superfast 2005 line finally shipped out. I was able to assemble and photograph the whole collection. I think that the black Dodge charger is my favorite in Wave G. Although it has turned sideways in its package, something that sounds pretty common according to the ebay auctions. I am particularly pleased by all the models with the throwback five spoke wheels. However my favorite model is the green camoflauge HMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose wheeled vehicle or "Humvee"). It reminds me of the Superfast military vehicles of the past like the Weasel and Stoat. The Badger Rolomatics radar truck was one of my all-time favorites. However the cement truck version of the Badger did not make any sense.
    Fun: Matchbox Superfast 2006 Autobahn Set
    Posted by BB on Thursday, March 02, 2006 @ 06:03:22 UTC (5099 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsWal Mart has a new five car Matchbox Superfast set called "Autobahn Exclusive Superset(tm) Decos" that appears to have all new model variations and packaging for 2006! I have been wondering if there would be Superfast models for 2006. Although, I have yet to receive my 2005 wave G.....
    Fun: Siku German police cars
    Posted by BB on Thursday, March 02, 2006 @ 05:50:48 UTC (9628 reads)
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    Our Favorite Toys
    Ever since my Dad took a business trip to Germany in 1986 and brought back several Siku Polizei die cast cars, I have been interested in collecting them. I had always liked Matchbox and Hot Wheel police cars, and had lately discovered the Tomica Pocket cars. The Siku cars were special. They all had plastic antennas. They were Mercedes Benz sedans, luxury cars here in the United States. One of them was even a Porsche 911. The Autobahn was known to have no speed limit, so of course a Porsche would be needed to patrol and give chase!

    Fun: Matchbox Superfast 2005 Wave F and Wave G
    Posted by BB on Saturday, October 29, 2005 @ 06:33:23 UTC (8281 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast Cars
    The final sets for the Matchbox Superfast 2005 series will be shipping at the end of 2005. The Wave F will be available mid December. The Wave G will be available mid January. Unlike the 2004 Matchbox superfast series, the Wave G will only have 3 cars since there were no re-releases or shorted sets.
    Fun: Matchbox 2005 Wave E update
    Posted by BB on Sunday, July 24, 2005 @ 14:21:03 UTC (3854 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsWave E of the 2005 Matchbox Superfast series will be available at the end of this month. There are more cool new models. One of them is the GMC Terradyne which appeared at the 2000 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS)
    Fun: Hallmark Mighty Tonka Twin Boom Wrecker 2005 Ornament
    Posted by BB on Friday, July 08, 2005 @ 20:52:31 UTC (8046 reads)
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    Our Favorite ToysThe local Hallmark / Gold Crown store is being reconfigured this week for the 2005 Christmas ornament collection. Once I discovered the Tonka Toy ornaments in July a few years ago, I have taken to checking in during the summer to see if the new one is available. I was able to pick up a copy of the 2005 Hallmark dream book. Also, the Hasbro web site also shows the new model for 2005.
    Fun: Matchbox Superfast 2005 Waves A, B, C, and D updates
    Posted by BB on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 @ 17:15:11 UTC (4789 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsMattel is continuing with their very cool Matchbox Superfast collectible series. I like the packaging, which is a bubble pack with a Matchbox collectible box inside. The box graphics resemble those on the original Superfast packaging from the 1970s. The prices are quite reasonable for the average toy buyer too, should he or she be so lucky to find the model in the store!
    Fun: City Of Moorhead, MN to Auction Matchbox modeled DARE Corvette
    Posted by BB on Friday, April 22, 2005 @ 18:05:54 UTC (7574 reads)
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    Transportation: Things that goApr 21, 2005 6:29 am US/Central Moorhead, Minn. (AP) The Moorhead, Minn. Police Department's most recognized squad car goes on the auction block Saturday.

    The 1984 blue and white Corvette has been used to promote the "DARE" program, which promotes a drug-free lifestyle for teenagers.

    The sheriff says the car being auctioned off might be considered a collectors item because a toy replica was manufactured by Matchbox.
    Fun: Johnny Lightning Die Cast Collectibles From Playing Mantis
    Posted by BB on Sunday, April 17, 2005 @ 02:57:26 UTC (11327 reads)
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    Our Favorite ToysWhen Playing Mantis picked up the Johnny Lightning Logo in 1993, I did not have a lot of hope for survival of this fledgling toy company. The Johnny Lightning trademark had been abandoned by the Topper Toy Company after 1971. Johnny Lightning could not survive the competition from Mattel Hot Wheels and Lesney Matchbox Superfast models. They had a few interesting models, but they were difficult to find and did not hold up well in play.
    Fun: Matchbox Superfast Series for 2005 - More Waves of Die Cast Toys !
    Posted by BB on Thursday, February 17, 2005 @ 10:20:50 UTC (10785 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsThe Matchbox 35th Anniversary Superfast line of Die Cast Toys from Mattel seems to have been a hit for 2005. Seventy-Five models were released in seven waves. They were numbered 1-75 to throw back to the original Lesney Matchbox 1-75 superfast range, which was introduced in 1969. The models were supposed to appear at retail stores, but instead they have been selling by the case to collectors. And they are already commanding 5 times their suggested retail price.

    According to information on the Matchbox Community Forums, and collector web sites, there will be a 2005 series of Matchbox Superfast models! I cannot wait!
    Fun: Matchbox Superfast 35th Anniversary Wave G update
    Posted by BB on Thursday, February 17, 2005 @ 07:21:18 UTC (9178 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsThe 2004 version of the Matchbox Superfast 35th Anniversary commemorative set is finally completed with the release of Wave G. This brings the total number of models to 75, with an additional variation of the Honda Element (#44) with the wrong color. This is a great collector's set and has been very popular. eBay buyers are already seeing jumps in prices for the various waves. Complete Wave A sets are going for more than $100!

    The Wave G and Complete 2004 series list can be found here.

    Fun: Bonerama: Live From New York
    Posted by BB on Friday, February 11, 2005 @ 07:29:41 UTC (3372 reads)
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    Entertainment: MusicI Finally picked up the new CD Bonerama: Live From New York. It is as good as the first one Bonerama: Live At The Old Point.

    I had first mentioned the group after a relative purchased the CD for me in the Big Easy. This was after hearing them at the New Orleans Jazz Festival. I became hooked immediately. Their arrangement of "Frankenstein" by the Edgar Winter Group is on my top 100 playlist. Some may dismiss this album as a niche interest. Purists may think that only a Fender Stratocaster can be played distorted. But these guys are quite talented and bring some breadth into rock and roll.
    Fun: Matchbox 35th Anniversary Wave D, E, F update 2005
    Posted by BB on Saturday, January 08, 2005 @ 12:29:03 UTC (3754 reads)
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    Matchbox Die Cast CarsThe Matchbox Forum Page has an update on why the Superfast 35th Anniversary wave D shipped with only 11 cars instead of 12.

    Apparently the Honda Element is the wrong color and was pulled from the box. I received my wave D set with two Chevrolet corvettes.

    Here are links to the two previous Group29 articles about the Matchbox Superfast 35th anniversary cars:
    Article 1 - Matchbox Superfast 35th Anniversary Toys
    Article 2 - Matchbox Superfast 35th Anniversary Wave D, E, F update
    Fun: Ents protest Stanford Tree Mascot
    Posted by BB on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 @ 10:57:46 UTC (3141 reads)
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    Sports: Athletic ContestsOn my first visit to Stanford for a football game in 1985, I was quite perplexed by the Stanford mascot. It looked like a Yuletide tree turned evil; like something out of a really bad 50's science fiction movie. I was told that it was, in fact, a tree. Their mascot had been the Indians, but Native American groups protested the use of "Indians" to represent a sports team. The story went: For one brief, shining, sports moment in the 1970s, Stanford changed its sports team mascot from the Indians to the "Trees." But soon afterward, they changed mascots again to "The Cardinal" (neither the bird nor ecclesiastical rank, but the color.) The Stanford Band has clung to the tree since then, and provided a Tree for sporting events to rally the crowd.

    Another group has raised its collective voice to protest this Tree mascot.
    Fun: Halo 2 released for Xbox players
    Posted by BB on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 @ 07:29:33 UTC (3276 reads)
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    Games: Computer GamesHalo has been the most popular Microsoft Xbox game for three years running, with 5 million copies sold. The Microsoft Xbox is fighting it out with the Sony PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube for game console dominance.

    Master Chief gets to be the first person shooter again in the Halo world, a homage to Larry Niven’s Ringworld science fiction novels. The biggest advantage that Microsoft kicked off is the Xbox online and the ability to run different types of games with other players from around the world. Excellent reviews for Halo can be found on the IGN web site.
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