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    Calvin and Hobbes author Bill Watterson
    Posted by BB on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 @ 16:48:55 UTC (4124 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsThis guy wants nothing to do with the world at large. I read the full article at the Library this evening in the December issue, where the cover caught my eye.  
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to be released next week
    Posted by BB on Thursday, July 12, 2007 @ 13:02:23 UTC (2882 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsI am on the list to have the book delivered by Amazon on Saturday morning. For the Half Blood Prince, I purchased the book from the stack at Wal-Mart early in the morning. I think in terms of price that it will be a wash. But I will have to see how the delivery time works out. I plan to spend most of Saturday evening reading the book. Perhaps the most important part of having the book delivered is that I will not be the victim of a drive by spoiler shouting "Harry dies!" or some other nonsense. I am sure that at midnight, many of the bookstore midnight madness participants will immediately open to the back pages and shout out the ending.
    I hated hated hated hated this audio book! - The Society by Michael Palmer
    Posted by BB on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 @ 13:36:02 UTC (3029 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsI was given my first audio book on CD as a gift. I like to read, and prefer to listen to the radio on my commute. I rarely listen to my record collection any more as I prefer silence. I got a copy of The Society, by Michael Palmer, read by J. Charles. As soon as it started, I hated the story. I hated the narrator. I hated the protagonist, Doctor Will Grant. That schmuck has the nerve to be the face of the Hippocrates society and represent the doctors against “Big HMOs”. Augh. This is so 1980s with the anti managed care message.
    (What happens if) Harry is a Horcrux? The End of Book 7?
    Posted by BB on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 @ 23:54:09 UTC (5817 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsDamaged5555 writes "This theory was originally a reply to an article on this site. But I felt it became an entirely new theory that was spurred from that one article. So I decided to submit it. Enjoy!

    There has been some talk about Harry Potter being a Horcrux and as I soon imagined the numerous possibilities it hit me, this fabulous theory"
    Harry Potter is the sixth horcrux, RAB is Regulus Black
    Posted by BB on Monday, July 18, 2005 @ 17:00:43 UTC (60521 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsI read it and I liked it. I went early Saturday morning at 12:30 over to the local Barnes and Noble. I found that the parking lot for the whole strip mall was full. I have never seen that before. I looked in the window and there must have been 200-300 people inside snaking through the shelves waiting to pay for a book. There was a store employee with a green wizard robe standing on top of a table and shouting at people with a megaphone. I decided that I was not going to wait around in that mess. Later this morning at 7:00, I went to Wal-Mart and picked up the new Harry Potter Book for 47% off the cover price.

    Note: *** HERE THERE BE SPOILERS - Don not Click Read more if you have not read Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (Or Order Of the Phoenix for that matter). ***
    Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince to be released July 16th, 2005
    Posted by BB on Friday, June 24, 2005 @ 15:49:54 UTC (3739 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsOn July 16th, 2005 the sixth installment in the Harry Potter book series, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling, is due to be available at bookstores worldwide. Based upon the flurry of activity surrounding the release of Book four (Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire) and Book five (Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix) there will be a large amount of media coverage.
    Tolkien and the afterlife of Men and Elves
    Posted by BB on Monday, February 28, 2005 @ 10:34:58 UTC (6660 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsSome time ago I was discussing J. R. R. Tolkien’s philosophy with a friend. The subject was Tolkien's fundamental difference between the elves and men (Eldar and Edain). The elves are bound to Arda and cannot leave even when they die of grief or in battle. Their spirits go to the halls of Mandos, (similar to Hades). The men die however of old age and disease. When they die, they are not bound to the circles of the world and go elsewhere. The elves and the valar do not know where.

    I happened to be pursuing the book "Morgoth's ring" which has a detailed essay from Tolkien about the subject. Morgoth’s ring is volume 10 of the 12-volume History of Middle Earth Series, published by Christopher Tolkien.
    Reviews of Lord Of The Rings Movies
    Posted by BB on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 @ 09:32:01 UTC (3306 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsWhen I purchased the DVD version, the Ride of the Rohirim chapter was played first. I still have watched that scene about 10 times and have not tired of it yet.

    As many readers will know, Tolkien wrote the Lord of The Rings story as six smaller books. It was made available as a three-volume trilogy by the publishers. Then the movie installments also became three on a decision by Bob Shay of New line, “It's three books, isn't it? Shouldn't it be three films?”

    Reviews are available here at for the three Lord Of the Rings Movies plus the earlier Rankin/Bass and Bakshi versions.
    50th Anniversary of Fellowship Of The Ring
    Posted by BB on Thursday, July 29, 2004 @ 10:51:00 UTC (2994 reads)
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    Our favorite stories and authorsThe Fellowship of the Ring, the first installment of JRR Tolkien's fantasy trilogy The Lord of the Rings, was published 50 years ago. But what did critics of the day make of the book? See the BBC News Article: How Tolkien triumphed over the critics
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