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    The Palomino Blackwings, Part III, The Pearl
    Posted by BB on Monday, May 27, 2013 @ 16:26:13 UTC (6963 reads)
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    Engineering: Things that are builtI picked up my order of Blackwing Pearl pencils. As advertised, they are in the middle of the Blackwing 602 and the Blackwing (The Paliomino Blackwing).

    Over the last two years, the web site has expanded their offerings to include other pencil manufacturers. 
    Slide rules - the K+E 4181-3
    Posted by BB on Saturday, October 13, 2012 @ 17:02:06 UTC (3473 reads)
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    Engineering: Things that are builtI found the slide rule that belonged to my dad. He became an engineer in the 1950s.  The internet has given me a lot of information about it. 

    It is a Keuffel and Esser ( K+E  ) model number 4181-3. I found that was a plastic Log Log Duplex Decitrig. It must be from before 1962 when Keuffel and Esser changed all their model numbers. It is Made in U.S.A. - all plastic (trade name "Ivorite") stock, plastic cursor lens.

    The Palomino Blackwings, Part II
    Posted by BB on Saturday, September 24, 2011 @ 18:08:05 UTC (5060 reads)
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    Engineering: Things that are builtNow that I have them (See previous Group29 article The Palomino Blackwings) I have been using the Palomino Blackwing, in preference to the Palomino Blackwing 602. I really like how smoothly it writes and draws. I have wondered about how the particular formula came to be selected. It seems the original Blackwing 602 from Eberhard-Faber was a favorite of copywriters, authors, and musicians. At 50 cents each, they were quite expensive for the ordinary consumer, nearly 5 to ten times as much as an ordinary pencil. Today, they would probably cost $2 or more because of the distinctive eraser ferrule.
    The Palomino Blackwings
    Posted by BB on Saturday, September 24, 2011 @ 17:57:06 UTC (4576 reads)
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    Engineering: Things that are builtBy a chance reading on in June, I was introduced to a line of pencils I had never used. These pencils were special, but long gone. A small company was now reviving this pencil line. I read the article with great interest. After I marked it as read, it was lost to my RSS reader. My memory being what it was, I could recall the name of those unique pencils. But BoingBoing to the rescue, and my memory was refreshed. The pencil was called the Eberhard-Faber Blackwing 602, and it had a slogan, HALF THE PRESSURE, TWICE THE SPEED. They had a special wide eraser that was adjustable. They had gone out of production many years ago, when the machine that made the special eraser ferrule wore out. Now they could only be found on eBay at roughly $25 a pencil.
    Making airline trips a little more comfortable
    Posted by BB on Monday, July 11, 2005 @ 13:53:23 UTC (2826 reads)
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    Engineering: Things that are builtI have 66,000 Frequent Flyer miles on one major airline and 26,000 more on another and NO desire to use them. If the knee defender had been for sale at an airport gift shop any time in the last 15 years, I would have paid $20 gladly. $14.95 is a steal!
    Buying an LCD TV - Sharp Aquos
    Posted by BB on Monday, January 31, 2005 @ 08:50:39 UTC (3804 reads)
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    Engineering: Things that are builtI finally pulled the trigger on a new TV to replace a 13 year old RCA Colortrak 2000 27" console TV. The new TV is a Sharp Aquos LC32G4U 32” LCD. A bigger DLP would be cheaper, but I really wanted the LCD.

    -Why the LC32G4U?-
    I had to act quickly since its replacement, the LC32GA5U, did not have removable speakers and was 38” wide. This one is 33” without the speaker mounted on the side and will fit in my cabinet. I ended up buying the display model at a local chain store. It did not go as well as I might have hoped; especially for the kind of money I was spending...
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