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    The Marvels [7]

    Movie Reviews
    This movie gets seven points: Marvel, Captain Marvel character, Brie Larson, Nick Fury character, Samuel L. Jackson, Goose the cat and the baby Flerkens. The movie fills in what happened between Captain Marvel and Avengers Endgame, with Carol Danvers destroying the Kree AI and starting a revolution. The rest of this movie is a heap of trouble. And this does not come without thoughtful consideration. I rated the first Captain Marvel movie at 25.

    I am not on the Brie Larson hate train.

    The first problem with this movie may not actually have been evident in the theater. I watched this on a big screen 4K TV. I have not seen many movies this way, but so far it seems that the lighting does not translate well in 4K. This movie is lit like a 1975 daytime television serial. My wife commented that it looks like a PBS drama. This made the effects look bad. In fact, it seemed almost old BBC Dr. Who. This also made the makeup look bad. In more than one scene, I thought Brie must have smeared chapstick around her lips.

    The second problem is pre-teen Ms. Marvel. My research indicates she is supposed to be 16. However, she seems more on the 11-12 year old spectrum, which may be the narrow audience to whom this movie is supposed to pandering.  In fact, if the audience is supposed to be LGBT young women, then that could be a group sized 3,500,000 if the US population of girls age 5-15 is multiplied by 17 percent (the Pew Institute figure of gay or bisexual women). At a full cost movie ticket price of $11, and considering every single one of these girls will attend, the final figure may be a generous $35M in receipts.

    I did not pay for this movie, I watched it at a Friend of a Friend house on their password-borrowed Disney+ account.

    According to the most recent figures, the Marvels may have earned $206M worldwide against a $275M budget, which translates to a loss no matter where you cut the pie. That also suggests that a number of people outside the demographic attempted to enjoy this movie.

    You can watch this movie once to fill in your Marvel backstory corners. Otherwise, lump it with Ant Man and the first Hulk movie. {BB}

    Added: February 11th 2024
    Reviewer: BB
    29 Point Scale Score: 7    [7]

    Related Link (IMDB): The Marvels (IMDB)
    Hits: 760
    Language: english


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